Stain and Spot Targeting While Safe for Use Around Pets!
Accidents Happen… Los Angeles Carpet Cleaning is Here to Help!

Los Angeles Carpet Cleaning’s advanced equipment is specifically designed to remove pet stains and odor. We utilize UV lights to find the source of the urine and treat the spots. Carpets can grow bacteria and we use enzymes combined with deep carpet cleaning to clean your carpets completely. We use specialized tools to clean deep down to the padding such as a water claw. Short of replacing the padding or new carpet, this is the next best method to completely remove pet stains and urine odor. We are your local carpet cleaning company in Los Angeles, give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
Pet Urine Stain Removal From Your Carpets, Persian Rugs, and Kilims

We receive many rugs everyday with cat or dog urine stains on them. Don’t get mad at your pets, we will take care of the pet stain removal.
We all know pet stains happen, here are some tips to minimize the damage. First, you should attempt to pick up as much of it as possible. This can be achieved by getting a white rag and blotting the urine. Be careful not to rub it in as wool and other natural fibers will absorb these liquids and make it tougher to remove later on. Remember that urine begins to change in PH balance from an acid to an alkaline fairly quickly. The sooner you call us, the better! If you choose to use an at home spray, ensure that you do not use anything with enzymes on natural rugs. The enzymes will feed off of natural fibers such as wool and will cause damage quickly. Do not rush and put everything product you own on the stain until it comes up, some chemicals and liquid can very well solidify the stain. Most important, do not mix and match chemicals, if one doesn’t work, don’t jump to the next, mixing and matching is not good. If you do try and purchase a chemical for your rug at your local store or online, ensure its designed for rugs. Do not put a chemical designed for carpets on your rugs as it will likely cause damage, given they are not usually amde out of the same fiber.

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